Volume Up!

Volume Up! is a digital platform dedicated for Migrant Domestic Workers to share their experiences, recommendations and ideas loud enough to be heard without interruption or censorship

As a safe space for their thoughts and statements, Volume Up! encourages MDWs, their family members, community activists and survivors of the Kafala system to share their messages to a wider audience and to express themselves without creative limitations or expectations.

All forms of expression and contributions, be it testimonies, statements, poetry, diary entries, short stories or even drawings and sketches are welcome to be shared through Volume Up!

If you would like to contribute, contact us at: submissions@mwaction.org or use the contact form on our website.

(English Version below) Le long du port de Beyrouth, les immeubles sont immenses, à perte de vue. Avec chacun des appartements multiples. Dans les ascenseurs, tu peux aller jusqu'au douzième étage. Sans l’aide d’un guide, tu peux passer des heures à chercher l’appartement de la dame qui t’as demandé de venir chez elle pour nettoyer. […]
On the occasion of this year’s International Workers’ Day, members of Reclaim Our Rights are sharing their thoughts and appreciation of what Labour Day means to them and how they celebrate it as community leaders, workers’ rights advocates, and survivors of the abusive Kafala system. 
Something changed in me my last few months in Lebanon before returning home. It has been almost three years since I returned to Sierra Leone. I arrived a different person, I have taken my fate into my own hands, I am within my own culture, I am organising among my community, I founded DoWAN*, I […]
J’ai Peur - Viany Partout où le mensonge devient la seule façon de convaincre, il y a trafic . Partout où il y a esclavage il y a trafic. Ou il y a exploitation il y a trafic. Ou il y a escroquerie  il y a trafic. J'étais en première année BTS (Brevet de Technicien […]
They say, the most important conversation is often the most difficult one to have. I’ll argue the most important stories are often the most difficult ones to write. The journey of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) and racialized people born in Lebanon resembles the one of Theseus and the minotaur Greek mythology tale. […]
Everyone in life has a role model. We all have that one person we look up to because they exude confidence and strength. One of my greatest role models is my mother. In honour of Lebanese Mother’s day, I interviewed my mother, who has worked in Lebanon for about 30 years. She came to Lebanon […]
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