Migrant Workers' Action

Migrant Workers’ Action is working with and for migrant domestic workers in Lebanon by taking action against the systemic exploitation of women of colour and advocating for a fair and just immigration and labour system for migrant workers.

(English Version below) Le long du port de Beyrouth, les immeubles sont immenses, à perte de vue. Avec chacun des appartements multiples. Dans les ascenseurs, tu peux aller jusqu'au douzième étage. Sans l’aide d’un guide, tu peux passer des heures à chercher l’appartement de la dame qui t’as demandé de venir chez elle pour nettoyer. […]
On the occasion of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2024, MWA is releasing its research on the journey of Sierra Leonean migrant domestic workers to Lebanon. The research report is the second part of MWA’s In-Focus research series aiming to provide an in-depth understanding of the contexts in sending countries leading MDWs to travel to Lebanon as well as their experiences under the Kafala system in Lebanon.
On the occasion of this year’s International Workers’ Day, members of Reclaim Our Rights are sharing their thoughts and appreciation of what Labour Day means to them and how they celebrate it as community leaders, workers’ rights advocates, and survivors of the abusive Kafala system. 

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