Migrant Domestic Workers (MDWs) in Lebanon face numerous forms of abuse including sexual and gender-based violence at the hands of employers and recruitment agents. MDWs  receive little to no legal protection or support due to the Kafala system’s exploitative nature against women of colour. 

Our #16DaysOfActivism are dedicated to shed light and raise awareness about the invisible plight of live-in Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanese households, whose stories, struggles and demands are continuously silenced or ignored.

On International Migrants Day we want to celebrate and appreciate each and every Migrant Domestic Worker, who is working under the hardships and abuse of the Kafala system. We want to celebrate the activists, community leaders and organisers that provide support, awareness and insight into the lived experience of being Migrant Workers in Lebanon.

Volume Up! is a digital platform dedicated for Migrant Domestic Workers to share their experiences, recommendations and ideas loud enough to be heard without interruption or censorship

Your contribution could be shared it. Share your story, experience, thoughts or idea by sending an E-Mail to submissions@mwaction.org